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Special Events

We are excited to offer special events for students, parents, educational consultants/agents, and other education constituents. Check back to this page regularly to learn about upcoming events and register to attend.

Cabin Coffee

It’s summer in the ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes’, so pour a cup of coffee and relax with us for an hour as we introduce you to Minnesota life! In this hour, we highlight language, boarding, community colleges and 2+2 programs, undergrad, graduate, and post-graduate opportunities. There will also be time for questions during an open chat with member schools.

Event Details
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2022
Location: Online via Zoom
Contact: Christa Knudsen, Study MN Board Chair



This event is open to select international education service providers, and we offer you an opportunity to present your business or service to our consortium members.

Registration Coming Soon!
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